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Anna Chapman Russian Agent Hot And Sexy Pictures

Written By Asa Terbaru on Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010 | 20.44

Anna Chapman, women who are in the center of the investigation alleged Russian spy network who fled the United States, previously worked in England and is married to British citizens.

Chapman, nama yang diberikan kepada petugas yang mencokoknya, merupakan salah satu dari 10 orang yang ditahan FBI karena diduga selama bertahun-tahun menjadi agen rahasia dinas intelijen Rusia. Chapman, the name given to the officer who mencokoknya, is one of the 10 people detained on suspicion of the FBI over the years become a secret agent of Russian intelligence service.

Perempuan cantik itu tampaknya telah tinggal di Inggris sekitar empat tahun sejak 2003. Beautiful women that seem to have lived in England about four years since 2003. Perusahaan swasta penyewa pesawat NetJets Eropa mengatakan, ia telah bekerja di kantor perusahaan itu di London untuk jangka waktu yang singkat. A private company NetJets Europe aircraft tenant said, she has worked at the company office in London for short periods of time. Adapun sebuah laporan di Daily Express menunjukkan, nama Chapman yang sebenarnya adalah Kuschenko dan ia lahir di Ukraina ini dibesarkan di Volgograd, yang sebelumnya bernama Stalingrad. As a report in the Daily Express showed that the actual name is Kuschenko Chapman and he was born in Ukraine are growing up in Volgograd, formerly known as Stalingrad.

Seorang juru bicara perusahaan itu mengatakan, "Kami dapat mengonfirmasi bahwa Nona Chapman dipekerjakan NetJets Eropa dari Mei sampai Juli 2004 sebagai asisten eksekutif di departemen penjualan." A company spokesman said, "We can confirm that Miss Chapman was hired NetJets Europe from May to July 2004 as executive assistant in the sales department."

Menurut profilnya di situs jejaring LinkedIn, Chapman bekerja di London dari September 2003 dan bekerja di divisi investment banking dari Barclays Bank dan hedge fund Navigator. According to its profile on the networking site LinkedIn, Chapman worked in London from September 2003 and worked in the investment banking division of Barclays Bank and hedge fund Navigator. Namun, Barclays mengatakan, bank itu tidak memiliki catatan tentang Anna Chapman yang mengaku pernah bekerja di divisi investasi bank tersebut pada tahun 2004 dan 2005. However, Barclays said the bank had no record of Anna Chapman who claimed to have worked in the bank investment division in 2004 and 2005.

Profil Chapman, sebagaimana dikutip Telegraph, Rabu (30/6/2010), menunjukkan bahwa ia telah menjalankan perusahaan sendiri, agen real estat di internet bernama Properti Finder Ltd, sejak Oktober 2006 dan sekarang berpusat di New York. Profile Chapman, as quoted by the Telegraph on Wednesday (06/30/2010), showing that he has run his own company, real estate agents on the internet named Property Finder Ltd, since October 2006 and now headquartered in New York. Ia mengaku mampu berbahasa Rusia, Inggris, Jerman, dan Perancis serta memiliki gelar master di bidang ekonomi dari sebuah universitas Rusia. He claimed to be able to speak Russian, English, German, and French and has a master's degree in economics from a Russian university. Dalam profilnya juga dinyatakan bahwa ia belajar perencanaan keuangan di BPP International Educational Centre yang berbasis di Inggris. The profile also stated that he studied financial planning at BPP International Educational Centre based in the UK. Seorang juru bicara lembaga pendidian itu mengatakan bahwa dia tidak dapat mengonfirmasi apakah Chapman pernah belajar di sana. A spokesman for the agency pendidian said that he could not confirm whether Chapman had studied there.

Menurut laporan Daily Express, Chapman menikah dengan warga Inggris, tetapi sudah bercerai. According to reports the Daily Express, Chapman is married to British citizens, but was divorced. Halaman Facebook Chapman memuat beberapa foto glamor dan foto hitam-putih yang menunjukkan dirinya mengenakan apa yang tampaknya seperti seragam organisasi Young Pioneer, organisasi di bekas Uni Soviet yang setara dengan Pramuka. Page up Chapman contains some glamorous photos and black-and-white photograph that shows him wearing what appeared to be uniform Young Pioneer organization, the organization in the former Soviet Union's equivalent to the Boy Scouts.

Seperti dikabarkan, kasus mata-mata Rusia itu terungkap pada hari Selasa atau beberapa hari setelah Presiden Rusia Dmitry Medvedev bertemu Presiden Barack Obama di Washington. As rumored, the Russian spy case was revealed on a Tuesday or a few days after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev met with President Barack Obama in Washington. Rusia mengkritik waktu pengumuman kasus itu karena dilakukan beberapa saat setelah pertemuan kedua pemimpin tersebut. Russia criticized the announcement because the case was conducted some time after meeting the two leaders. Pihak Gedung Putih mengatakan, Obama tahu tentang penyelidikan skandal tersebut sebelum ia bertemu dengan Medvedev di Washington akhir pekan lalu, tetapi tidak menyebutkannya dalam pembicaraan mereka. Parties to the White House said, Obama knew about the investigation into the scandal before he met with Medvedev in Washington last weekend, but did not mention it in their conversation.

Skandal mata-mata itu menjadi berita heboh media AS. Spy scandal became news the U.S. media scene. Para tersangka dituduh mengumpulkan informasi, mulai dari data penelitian tentang hulu ledak nuklir berpenetrasi tinggi, hingga latar belakang para pelamar CIA. The suspects were accused of collecting information, ranging from research data on high penetrating nuclear warhead, to the background of the applicants for the CIA. [kompas.com] Foto : Dari berbagai sumber. [Kompas.com] Photo: From various sources.
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